January 4th Meeting
Outgoing President Larry Buchhorn called the meeting to order.
Guest Speaker Mark Wieser, Fournder, CEO Fischer & Wieser, Fredericksburg.
Linda Metzler introduced New Members & Guests.
Liz Lindig introduced and swore in New Officers & Board of Directors.
Past President then called forward incoming President, Pete Deforge.
The Gavel was then passed on with a brief history of the gavel.
Pete thanked everyone and said that clubs like ours are only as good as the membership and he looked forward to leading the club in 2022.
President Pete than call on income VP/Tour Director Charlie MclLvain.
Charlie MclLvain gave a current update for upcoming 2022 Tours. More Tour Leaders are still needed.
A display of Club Monogramed Merchandise is available & Online.